41.성서연구 (책소개)/5.이스라엘유대사

Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land (2014) - 시오니즘과 성지에서의 정의 추구

동방박사님 2023. 3. 15. 06:45


A critical examination of political Zionism, a topic often considered taboo in the West, is long overdue. Moreover, the discussion of Christian Zionism is usually confined to Evangelical and fundamentalist settings. The present volume will break the silence currently reigning in many religious, political, and academic circles and, in so doing, will provoke and inspire a new, challenging conversation on theological and ethical issues arising from various aspects of Zionism--a conversation that is vital to the quest for a just peace in Israel and Palestine. The eight authors offer a rich diversity of religious faith, academic research, and practical experience, as they represent all three Abrahamic faiths and five different Christian traditions. Among the many themes that run through Zionism and the Quest for Justice in the Holy Land is the contrast between exclusivist narratives, both biblical and political, and the more inclusive narratives of the prophetic Scriptures, which provide the theological foundation and the moral imperative for human liberation. Readers will be drawn into a compelling, readable, and stimulating series of essays that tackle many of the complex issues that still confound clergy, politicians, diplomats, and academic experts. Desmond Tutu says that silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the injustice. That's why we need more and more Christians to raise their voices about the injustices taking place in Israel-Palestine. To raise their voices, they first need to raise their awareness, and this book is the best book I know of to help individuals and groups be educated and motivated for action. --Brian D. McLaren, author of Naked Spirituality This important collection of essays is situated amid the most vexatious, dangerous geopolitical crisis in the world. The seemingly intractable conflict in the Holy Land that concerns the State of Israel, as well as the status and future of the Palestinians, turns out to be the pivot point for much of the violent anger that leads to destabilization and threatens all parties to the dispute. The focal point of the many different angles in this collection is insistently justice as a precondition of peace in the Holy Land. Thus all 'peace negotiations' are futile if a way is not found to assure justice of a political and economic variety. --from the foreword by Walter Brueggemann, author of The Prophetic Imagination Donald E. Wagner is the National Program Director of Friends of Sabeel: North America. Walter Davis is cochair of the education committee of the Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Professor (emeritus) of the Sociology of Religion at San Francisco Theological Seminary.

서구에서 종종 금기시되는 주제인 정치적 시온주의에 대한 비판적 검토는 이미 오래 전에 이루어졌습니다. 더욱이 기독교 시온주의에 대한 논의는 일반적으로 복음주의와 근본주의적 배경에 국한됩니다. 이 책은 현재 많은 종교, 정치, 학계를 지배하고 있는 침묵을 깨고 시오니즘의 다양한 측면에서 발생하는 신학적, 윤리적 문제에 대한 새롭고 도전적인 대화를 촉발하고 영감을 줄 것입니다. 이스라엘과 팔레스타인의 정의로운 평화를 추구하는 데 매우 중요합니다. 여덟 명의 저자는 아브라함의 세 가지 신앙과 다섯 가지 기독교 전통을 모두 대표하므로 종교적 신앙, 학술 연구 및 실제 경험의 풍부한 다양성을 제공합니다. 시온주의와 성지에서의 정의 추구를 관통하는 많은 주제 중에는 성경적, 정치적 배타적 내러티브와 인간에게 신학적 토대와 도덕적 명령을 제공하는 예언서의 보다 포괄적인 내러티브 사이의 대조가 있습니다. 해방. 독자들은 여전히 성직자, 정치인, 외교관 및 학계 전문가를 혼란스럽게 하는 많은 복잡한 문제를 다루는 설득력 있고 읽기 쉽고 자극적인 에세이 시리즈에 빠져들게 될 것입니다. Desmond Tutu는 불의에 직면한 침묵은 불의와 공모하는 것이라고 말합니다. 그렇기 때문에 이스라엘-팔레스타인에서 일어나고 있는 불의에 대해 목소리를 높일 기독교인이 점점 더 많이 필요합니다. 목소리를 높이려면 먼저 인식을 높여야 하며, 이 책은 개인과 그룹이 교육을 받고 행동하도록 동기를 부여하는 데 도움이 되는 내가 아는 최고의 책입니다. --Brian D. McLaren, Naked Spirituality의 저자 이 중요한 에세이 모음은 세계에서 가장 짜증나고 위험한 지정학적 위기에 놓여 있습니다. 팔레스타인의 지위와 미래뿐만 아니라 이스라엘 국가와 관련된 성지의 겉보기에 다루기 힘든 갈등은 불안정화로 이어지고 분쟁의 모든 당사자를 위협하는 폭력적인 분노의 중심점이 되는 것으로 밝혀졌습니다. . 이 컬렉션에서 다양한 각도의 초점은 성지 평화의 전제 조건으로서의 정의입니다. 따라서 모든 '평화 협상'은 정치적, 경제적 다양성의 정의를 보장할 방법이 발견되지 않는다면 소용이 없습니다. --The Prophetic Imagination의 저자인 Walter Brueggemann의 서문에서 발췌 Donald E. Wagner는 Friends of Sabeel: North America의 전국 프로그램 디렉터입니다. 월터 데이비스(Walter Davis)는 미국장로교 이스라엘/팔레스타인 선교 네트워크 교육위원회 공동의장이자 샌프란시스코 신학대학원 종교사회학 교수(명예)이다.