41.성서연구 (책소개)/5.이스라엘유대사

Zionism Without Zion : 시온 없는 시오니즘 (2016)

동방박사님 2023. 3. 15. 06:54


 - The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict With the Zionist :유대 영토 조직과 시오니스트와의 갈등


While the ideologies of Territorialism and Zionism originated at the same time, the Territorialists foresaw a dire fate for Eastern European Jews, arguing that they could not wait for the Zionist Organization to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. This pessimistic worldview led Territorialists to favor a solution for the Jewish state “here and now”?and not only in the Land of Israel. In Zionism without Zion: The Jewish Territorial Organization and Its Conflict with the Zionist Organization, author Gur Alroey examines this group’s unique perspective, its struggle with the Zionist movement, its Zionist rivals’ response, and its diplomatic efforts to obtain a territory for the Jewish people in the first decades of the twentieth century.

Alroey begins by examining the British government’s Uganda Plan and the ensuing crisis it caused in the Zionist movement and Jewish society. He details the founding of the Jewish Territorial Organization (ITO) in 1903 and explains the varied reactions that the Territorialist ideology received from Zionists and settlers in Palestine. Alroey also details the diplomatic efforts of Territorialists during their desperate search for a suitable territory, which ultimately never bore fruit. Finally, he attempts to understand the reasons for the ITO’s dissolution after the Balfour Declaration, explores the revival of Territorialism with the New Territorialists in the 1930s and 1940s, and describes the similarities and differences between the movement then and its earlier version.

Zionism without Zion sheds new light on the solutions Territorialism proposed to alleviate the hardship of Eastern European Jews at the start of the twentieth century and offers fresh insights into the challenges faced by Zionism in the same era. The thorough discussion of this under-studied ideology will be of considerable interested to scholars of Eastern European history, Jewish history, and Israel studies.

영토주의와 시온주의의 이데올로기가 동시에 발생했지만, 영토주의자들은 시온주의 기구가 팔레스타인에 유대 국가를 세우는 것을 기다릴 수 없다고 주장하면서 동유럽 유대인들의 비참한 운명을 예견했습니다. 이 비관적인 세계관으로 인해 영토주의자들은 이스라엘 땅뿐만 아니라 "지금 여기"에 있는 유대 국가를 위한 해결책을 선호하게 되었습니다. 시온 없는 시온주의: 유대 영토 조직과 시온주의 조직과의 갈등에서 저자 Gur Alroey는 이 그룹의 독특한 관점, 시온주의 운동과의 투쟁, 시온주의 라이벌의 대응, 유대인을 위한 영토를 확보하기 위한 외교적 노력을 조사합니다. 20세기 초반의 사람들.

Alroey는 영국 정부의 우간다 계획과 시온주의 운동과 유대 사회에 야기된 위기를 조사하는 것으로 시작합니다. 그는 1903년 유대인 영토 기구(ITO)의 설립에 대해 자세히 설명하고 영토주의 이데올로기가 팔레스타인의 시오니스트와 정착민들로부터 받은 다양한 반응을 설명합니다. Alroey는 또한 궁극적으로 결실을 맺지 못한 적절한 영토를 필사적으로 찾는 동안 Territorialists의 외교적 노력에 대해 자세히 설명합니다. 마지막으로 그는 밸푸어 선언 이후 ITO가 해체된 이유를 이해하려고 시도하고, 1930년대와 1940년대에 신영토주의자들과 함께 영토주의의 부활을 탐구하고, 당시 운동과 이전 버전의 유사점과 차이점을 설명합니다.

『시온 없는 시온주의』는 20세기 초 동유럽 유대인의 고난을 완화하기 위해 제안한 영토주의의 해법을 재조명하고 동시대 시온주의가 직면한 도전에 대한 신선한 통찰력을 제공한다. 이 충분히 연구되지 않은 이데올로기에 대한 철저한 논의는 동유럽 역사, 유대 역사 및 이스라엘 연구 학자들에게 상당한 관심을 끌 것입니다.